About Me

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Hi! Im Jazmine! Im a really nice and easy to get along with girl! I currently have two blogs, one is for my new-media journalism class [Why hello there] and the other is a personal blog [Its our world] that is all about the cheerleading world and personal reflections from myself and others. Im a senior at Slippery Rock University and i'll be graduating in May 2011 =)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

When, and why did you fall?

So, i remember when i was in 3rd grade, and my best friend Rebecca's older sister was a cheerleader, and we would watch her practice all the time. We just couldn't wait to be just like her! I went to a small catholic school who had a really good cheerleading squad, so we were definitely gonna tryout! I remember practicing my little heart out, i had those tryout cheers down! I Remember after tryouts, my mom was waiting for me in the parking lot, anxiously waiting to find out if i made it or not, and me being the little drama queen that i am [hehe] i had this face of disappointment, that turned into a huge smile and i screamed "I MADE IT" ..life changed right there for me. I was so into cheerleading. It wasn't until our first competition and our first time winning that i realized, that this is what i wanna do forever! I loved winning, i loved going to competitions and people whispering about MCC..[McKeesport Central Catholic]. I will NEVER forget walking into St.Basil's competition and someone yelling, "oh great MCC is here, they always win" ..well, varsity won that competiton, but we [JV] didnt, we got third place and i thought i was going to die! x_x . Back in 98, the best junior varsity team was St.John the Baptist. Yea, so they won, cool lol. My mother has us on tape during the awards, and yea, i was crying. But my dear BFF Rebecca was right beside me, comforting me hahah!! SO, 5th grade rolls around, and 99 was a great year, we got new uniforms!! We were looking bomb, oh yea, MCC was known as the "Bomb squad" which makes sense lol. I was on JV again and we went undefeated that year! Varsity got 2nd at diocese, which was like the biggest competition of the year. Sixth grade, year 2000, best year for MCC HANDS DOWN!! Plus, i was on varsity, which was like, great stuff lol. We won diocese that year, still one of my favorite moments of life lol. I still get chills when i watch the video of the awards from diocese and our coach had whip lash when they announced us winning, well, it actually went like this.. "2nd place, large varsity winner, St.Cyril ..[crowd freaks out] and your 2000, large varsity winner is Mckeesport Central Catholic [sings] "WEEE ARE THE CHAMPIONSSS, MY FRIEENNDDSSS"...ahhh good times.

All-star cheerleading? in 2000, i never heard of it until one of my coaches asked me about joining and invite only cheerleading squad called "Hotcheer Elite". Hotcheer was started by Serra Catholic Cheerleading coaches Jenn, Kelly, and one of my MCC coaches Tiffany. There were a handful of us from MCC on the team, some of the high school girls and other girls from diffeent schools. Hotcheer, was the greatest thing that happened to me in my little cheer world. We got to wear this crazy gold make up and red lip stick that my mom hated hahah! It was so fun, i loved it, and it made me fall more in love with cheerleading. We werent the best team, but we were good! Hotcheer began to grow over the years, and expand. We started with about 20-24 people in 2000, now, Hotcheer has its own gym, new AMAZING coaches, and AMAZING kids. HC is going on its 11th year, and i cant believe it. I love Hotcheer so much i cant even put into words how much that gym means to me, and Jenn and Kelly for being my cheer moms lol. I also cheered for Serra as well. I loved doing Serra and Hotcheer, they were definitely my family and Jenn worked us hard! Payed off for sure, Serra was amazing and i miss those days =(

Cheerleaders have so much passion and such a hard working drive in them its unbelievable. Thats why i fell for it. I cant describe the feeling of competing, with people that i love and being a team. Plus, im a fierce girl ahaha, this is a 100% fierce sport. LOL.
Learn it. Love it. Period <3

Speaking of hotcheer..
check out the new website!

AMAZING video that was made by Hotcheer member Travis Troya =)


  1. I remember getting up early Saturday mornings to take you.. MCC, HotCheer & Serra.

  2. yep! i remember those days! love you!

  3. i feel like your story should be on lifetime or something lol but when and why i feel in love with cheerleading. . hmmmmm. .

    Well first off i was a gymnast my whole life and my dad ("stepdad") was my coach. like every other gymnast out there i was anticheerleader and always said if i didnt do gymnastics i would never do cheerleading. well my parents split up and my mom didnt want me to see my step dad again and made me quit gymnastics my sophmore year of highschool. i was devistated!!! My junior year the cheerleaders became my friends and wanted me to do it soooo bad! well i ended up trying out because i needed to do something! About half of our highschool squad was on FCA. . i bet you can guess where this is going. I ended up cheering for my highschool and for FCA my senior year and LOVED IT!!!! That year(05-06) was FCA's first year going to worlds and we got 13th. i ended up taking a year off of school after my senior year just to cheer for FCA again!!! We got 8th that year(06-07). we have been climbing to the top since. I was more of the all-star kind of cheerleader, until i came to slippery rock. i didnt want to try out cause i felt like nothing would ever compare to FCA. Well, about three or four of the girls from FCA made rock all-girl and i didnt try out. Well the girls ended up talking me into trying out when they had second tryouts the next semester. i ended up making it, and loving it!!

    Reasons i fell in love with it. . i wasnt a big fan of our highschool squad that didnt really do it for me. It was the all-star competitions that really got me hooked. I love the atmosphere of it. The getting ready and putting on all the glitter. The little ones looking up to you and the team mates that made it what it is. I love going to competitions and knowing your the best. . just proud of the uniform you have on.

    now Rock all-girl cheerleading made me fall ten times harder for cheerleading. The team is great and the coach, Kinsey is amazing!!! He is honestly the best coach i have ever had in any sport. He knows our limits and pushes us even further. He is proud of us and sticks up for us like we were his own. I respect him so much! Without a good coach a team doesnt have much. i love college cheer nationals. . when we go to florida its like a whole different world. so many different teams and everyones outside practicing there isnt any room for anything else. all you see are teams and stunts and baskets and tumbling everywhere you look! it is such a great feeling to show off all your hard work and look at what everyone else has been working on. its what i live for, its what i love!

    nd Jazmine you know im down to talk about cheer anytime lol im always commenting and posting on your shit lol keep it coming girl, its what keeps me sane up here at school lol

  4. Thanks girl =) and i know exaclty how you feel, its such a rush, i love it! i love competitions and loud music, the blue mats, the crowd, the massive amounts of hair spray and glitter everywere lol its the best feeling in the world. And My friend that ive know foreverr and cheered and coach with, Kristen, talks about Kinsey alot! He did our music for the middle school that we coach and i loveeee it! I hear great things about him, and its obvious that he is doing grat things with RAG, you guys are amazing! =) i wish my story could be on lifetime haha thats be dope lol

  5. yeah he is an amazing at making music, choreographing, cheering, and coaching. he is like the cheer god lol i swear! but yeah you will have to come to the comp we have in the field house. one to watch all the squads but to see us preform a little something something lol

  6. Ill be there! I went last year to watch FCA and ill for sure come to watch you guys. =)

  7. yay! you got me all excited for it now :D lol
